

Purpose in Christ has been woven into my life throughout years of travel and missions. My name is Connie Branderhorst and throughout my upbringing, my Dutch parents instilled in me an appreciation for other cultures and languages. In my teenage years, my heart was drawn to a future in missions. This led to my becoming a Spanish teacher in California and leading countless mission trips over the years. I saw God's hand moving as I began to work alongside missionaries on the field in occupational ministry sites. It wasn't until I led trips with Students International to Guatemala that my heart and passion truly began as I saw children being sponsored and I, myself began that journey with more than a few children. I began leading trips to Guatemala in 2006, and  I am convinced that it is not by chance that I was asked to lead a team to the Dominican Republic. That trip and that country captivated my heart. I was honored to serve there and was instantly drawn to the children and their need for education and the basic necessities of life. Sponsorship is the missing piece of the puzzle to provide hope for their future


puentes : bridges  

Implementing child sponsorship to: 

 bridge the need of education and proper nutrition

 bridge our world of plenty to one of impoverished conditions  

bridge the gap to make Christ known and bring hope for the future of school aged children in the Dominican Republic.   


Your sponsorship and support provides a hope for the future of these kids, and for their families. Lack of resources, illiteracy and poor nutrition is a big problem for communities in the Dominican Republic. When you sponsor a child, you are helping the child with not only their physical needs, but their emotional, social and spiritual needs as well. Having their basic needs met, it empowers families to focus on the family unit.  Sponsoring a child is $39.99 per month.



The name "Puentes" was chosen to emphasize the significance of building bridges together, connected through the family of Jesus Christ.  It envisions a community where people support one another, together, through His presence in their lives. Each sponsored family and child,  through love and action in the Dominican Republic, deserve to be living with purpose, through education and a stronger support system. We want our sponsorship to be more than just sending money, but rather an opportunity to build a bridge and invest in lives.  Romans 12:1,2 (MSG) says, "So here's what I want you to do. God helping you: take your everyday, ordinary life-your sleeping, eating, going to work and walking around life - and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for HIm. Fix our eyes on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it                          IMG_1294.jpeg